The ancient wall has been there for around 2,036 years and is the most famous landmark in Israel.
Visitors and tourists are supposed to write a wish or a prayer on a piece of paper and then slip it into cracks between the stones on the wall. You can write as many as you want but my Auntie told me that only the first wish comes true. In true tourist fashion, we had the full experience and went underground for a tour of the Western Wall Tunnels.
We went to an underground room where the tour guide was explaining the Old City to a group of people. The Old City is an area within the modern city of Jerusalem. The ceilings and walls were all made out of stone, and the room split into different tunnels leading deeper underground. The tour guide talked to our group about the history of the Western Wall and the tunnels. Since the tunnels ran through the Western Wall, we got to put our wish on it from the inside. We were all grateful to be away from the heat outside and it was a experience we will never forget.
Hi Kaya, thank you so much for sharing your adventures with us... this post was especially interesting to us today when we read through it. Your trip is educating us here which is just fantastic! I can imagine the heat you are experiencing - it was very hot in Tokyo when we were there last week. I am almost glad to be back in Gisborne in the cool. Keep on smiling - Koka Ngaire